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Contemporary Fiber Art: Work by Members of the Iowa Surface Design Association


Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Contemporary Fiber Art: Work by Members of the Iowa Surface Design Association will be on view at the Clear Lake Arts Center, Clear Lake, IA from November 1 - December 3, 2022. The exhibition showcases a range of approaches by thirteen Iowa SDA members, including Ange Altenhofen (Chariton), Astrid Hilger Bennett (Iowa City), Jenna Bonistalli (Iowa City & Los Angeles), Jocelyn Châteauvert (Mt Vernon), Tibi Chelcea (Ames), Jan Friedman (Iowa City), Abigail Livengood (Des Moines), Teresa Paschke (Ames), Catherine Reinhart (Ames), Lindi Roe (Panora), Olivia Valentine (Des Moines), Joan Webster-Vore (Hudson) and Deborah Zeitler (Iowa City). The group includes independent artists and educators. Sculptural and wall-hung pieces incorporate stitching, embroidery, printing, weaving, natural dyes, handmade paper, mixed media and collage. The works reflect themes based on contemporary ideas and the natural world.

Founded in 1977, Surface Design Association (SDA) is a national nonprofit organization focused on contemporary textiles. It has an international membership, publishes a quarterly journal, and hosts exhibitions and events. SDA has Iowa roots; it was co-founded by the late Elsa Sreenivasam, who was an Iowa State faculty member.

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